Slide thumbnailFor professional prompt engineers and designers,
developing AI prompts for businesses
GPTBlue Boot CampNext Boot Camp Sept 16th

GPTBlue Boot Camp #5 – up skill yourself

September 16th, 08:00 – 12:30 CEST

GPTBlue Boot Camp #5
Online and hands-on workshop with our experts

ChatGPT is amazing when you create prompts for yourself.
GPTBlue is the preferred tool when you professionally design prompts for others.
Both, GPTBue and ChatGPT, leverage Open AI’s Large Language Model.
This Bootcamp is free and for GPTBlue users only.

GPTBlue Boot Camps are currently limited to 25 attendees.

To participate in the meeting and follow the discussion’s, you need to have a GPTBlue Account.  Copy your referral key form your GPTBlue profile and enter it in the event registration.

During the GPTBlue Boot Camp:

We’ll work on the GPTBlue Development system.
You get your free access here:


Professional Development, Testing, and Deployment of Generative AI in Business.

  1. Your Target Audience
    1. Your prompts will help your team to be more productive
    2. You design prompts for a whole series of tasks
    3. You may develop prompts for a larger market.
  2. High-Performance, High Productivity Prompt Development
    1. How to measure Productivity gain 
    2. How to leverage conditional prompt techniques
    3. How to use iterative prompts with GPTBlue
    4. Protect your prompts or make them ‘open source’
    5. Get a light breez of Neuroscience 
  3. Corporate Gen-AI requirements
    1. Building on a large corporate AI-Network
    2. Understanding the library network infrastructure
    3. Leveraging custom data from YOUR prompt
    4. Prompt initiated custom functions
    5. Providing prompt usage analytics
  4. BlueCallom ZERO SUBSCRIPTION™ Business Model
    1. Free users, no license fees
    2. Free platform and libraries
    3. Free prompt downloads
    4. Pay per use only
    5. Creating recurring revenue
  5.  AI Specific UI / UX
    1. Functionally separated objects 
    2. Taking the new behavior with AI in account
    3. More intelligent UIX design
  6.  Partnering with BlueCallom
    1. We never compete with our partners (non compete clause)
    2. We invest in education so its free for partners
    3. We provide the platform for free
    4. Our business model allows a good margin for partners

AI Business Prompt Network

Prompts are the new Gold.  A powerful prompt set can save companies millions a year. When focusing on plausible and measurable productivity prompts will spread rapidly. Typically employees work 1,800 hours a year. Many of those hours are overhead, reporting, planning, documentation, and other repeat work. Gaining an hour a day that would be 225 hour or 12.5% productivity gain. Plus work would be less boring, more fun and more successful. With 10,000 employees we are talking about 50 Million Euros/Franks/Dollars. Coordinated and well managed prompt implementation is the key.

Why join the GPTBlue Workshop?

  1.  Get a feel for Prompt Productivity and how to measure it.
  2.  Get your hands dirty with a new Gen-AI Development Platform. 
  3.  Learn from our case study, building a massive prompt network for enterprises
  4.  Experience a new, AI-specific UI/UX.
  5.  Learn more about the inner structure of the GPT-4 AI system.
  6.  Learn how dedicated prompt libraries work and how to deploy prompts there.
  7.  See how custom models and function calling interact with prompts.
  8.  Understand the power of recurring, conditional, or clustered prompts.
  9.  Understand the new prompt economy, how to price prompts.
  10.  Partnering with BlueCallom

How GPTBlue will enhances your business

  1.  Re-Imagine how business processes can be improved.
  2.  Experience how every day work of your employees can be more efficient.
  3.  Learn to create your own high-performance, high-productivity business prompts and integrate you existing IT infrastructure.
  4. Learn to use neuroscience influenced prompting (AI Neuro Prompts).
  5.  Educate your team to help building prompts or support prompt engineers.
  6.  How to rollout an AI-Infrastructure in a few days at nearly no cost. 

Your take away

  1.  GPTBlue, Professional Prompt Development software license for free.
  2.  Business Process Prompt Library.
  3.  Develop more unique prompt based AI applications.
  4.  Sell your High-Productivity Prompts on the BlueCallom Exchange.
  5.  Be inspired to completely re-imagine any business process.
  6.  Enhancing your understanding of Generative AI and its future development.
  7.  Learning all about Prompt Categories and how they work.
  8.  Apply what you learned in practical experiences during the program.
  9.  Understand where this may lead to in the near future.

GPTBlue Boot Camp #5 Agenda

08:00 Introduction
08:05 What’s inside Generative AI and its LLM, Neuro-Prompting
08:30 Architecture, GPTBlue Application, AI Glazz UIX
08:50 Business Prompt development with GPTBlue Prompt Classifications and its functionality
09:30 Prompt Exercise #1 Decision tasks with conditional prompts
10:15 Short Break
10:25 Prompt Exercise #2 Planning tasks with iterative prompts
11:00 Prompt Exercise #3 Leveraging function calls
11:45 How the large language model get trained and how we can add data
12:10 GPTBlue evolution in the next 12 months
12:20 Q+A open end

GPTBlue Boot Camp Certificate

A Generative AI specific UIX

How Generative-AI will change and what does it to the UIX (UI and UX)

GPTBlue Boot Camp Certificate - AI Prompt Evolution

In this bootcamp we will introduce ‘AI-Glazz’ a new UI and UX. 

  • You may miss the old navigation bars for 1 minute
  • You may be surprised about the richness of support functions
  • And you will notice that forms are rare in Generative AI applications
  • You will hear about the intelligent functions and where we will take it 


Before you start

  • You have already experience with ChatGPT or GPTBlue
    You know how to craft AI prompts.
  • You have already registered your GPTBlue Account
    And you viewed the 4 min intro video
  • Have your computer ready (any kind)
    We will do several practical exercises and you will want to have a laptop with microphone and camera.

What else you may consider:

  • You should have tried Dall-E, Mid Journey, or any other prompt-driven AI Image tool 
    This is not mandatory and we won’t really use image generation with AI, but it would be good for an overall understanding
  • You can prepare a challenge you want to solve (optional)
    If you are working on a concept, an AI business model, or any challenge you may have, bring it and we may play with it.
  • Have a good idea of what you want to do
    Think about your objectives: Create prompts in your company for your team. Create prompts for a larger market and sell them. Create specialized prompts for individual customers as a consulting/software development  company.


Participating in the physical Work Shop? Here are a few hotels nearby 

Hotel Sorell Seefeld
Hotel Ameron
Hotel Seegarten

High Performance Prompt Development Boot Camp High Performance Prompt Development Boot Camp High Performance Prompt Development Boot Camp

Your Instructors

In this workshop you will meet:

Christian Weh at GPTBlue Prompt Architect Workshop Axel Schultze, - at GPTBlue Prompt Architect Workshop

Christian Weh

VP Generative AI Applications

Axel Schultze

CEO of BlueCallom

GPTBlue Boot Camp, September 16th

ID 202515

  • 1/2-day, live person online workshop
  • Hands on practical experiences
  • Certificate

GPTBlue Boot Camps are currently limited to 25 attendees.

To participate in the meeting and follow the discussion’s, you need to have a GPTBlue Account.  Copy your referral key from your GPTBlue profile and enter it in the event registration.

If you have any question in advance, please give us a call: +41-44-500-6480 or email us