Slide thumbnailEnabling rapid scaling & high quality, well-maintained prompts and agentsLet me explore itGPTBlue - Pricing & Business Model

Platform fee

Pricing and Business Model for corporations

For Businesses

For rapid scaling, all parts of the platform are free of charge. Any customization and special requirements will be subject to an individual proposal.

€/CHF/$         0.00

Pricing and Business Model for ISVs

Independent Vendors

Prompt, agent, or complete application developer, software companies or freelancer, get free access to the platform and can build their own platform with a public library.

€/CHF/$         0.00

Pricing and Business Model for OEMs


Original Equipment Manufacturer can get a white label platform with unique features like your own monetization system. Setup and customization is subject to a respective proposal.

€/CHF/$         0.00

Pricing and Business Model

Individual Users

BlueCallom is a specialized B2B platform for Generative AI business applications. You would want to explore a usage with your local BlueCallom Partner.

€/CHF/$         0.00

Average Prompt Execution

€/CHF/$         0.05

€/CHF/$         0.05

€/CHF/$         0.05

€/CHF/$         0.05

Pricing and Business Model

Zero Subscription

This part of our hybrid business model allows corporations to rapidly deploy BlueCallom without considering any major investments. It also helps our partners to allow building larger scale applications without making any budget considerations for their customers. Say good bye to SaaS.

Pay-4-Gain Model

This second part of our hybrid business model helps all of us focusing on efficiency, performance and productivity. With a 10x – 100x productivity gain, The price per prompt usage must be positioned for an instant ROI. What was thought to be a rare case is now the norm – instant ROI.
This model forces prompt developer to think in more quality than quantity and at the same time allows investment in prompt development which was under most circumstances not possible.

Prompt-IP protection, Prompt Productivity visualization, and the hybrid business model allows independent prompt engineers and agent developer to invest more time in the development, continuous improvement, and long term maintenance of their work. This makes prompt engineering and agent compilation in the end even possible.

Generative-AI Application Development Platform