BlueCallom Announces Neuro Innovation Management Software – Press Release

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   BlueCallom to change innovation landscape with AI, Genetic Computing, and Neuroscience NOVEMBER 25, 2020 (Lucerne, CH) BlueCallom ™ today announces its official launch as a Neuro Innovation Management…

7 Most Counter-intuitive Innovation Traps

In a recent research project, interviewing or discussing the entire innovation process in mid-market to global enterprises,  we found a high concentration in 7 areas of counter-intuitive behavior or innovation traps. We have been aware of 5…

Big Five Innovation Types

Innovation is an extremely counterintuitive business. For most people outside the innovation space, Innovation means radically new or significantly improved products. Interestingly enough, product innovation is the least successful model.…

BlueCallom in the Making – Beyond Brainstorming

  A billion-dollar innovation is not done with a few brainstorming meetings. We started with a big problem (see history below) and have the vision to develop technology for innovation teams to innovate like never before imaginable past…

Neuro Ideation – Step by Step

Intelligent Neuro Ideation When understanding how our mind composes and processes ideas, we must ask how we can leverage those cognitive abilities, control them, influence them, and improve our thinking skills? The Neuro Ideation method is…

Why do we think so boring LINEAR?

During school and later in business 90%+ of humans become unknowingly and with no bad intention from others an ever more linear thinker. Everything - and I mean everything - is structured in the next 3, 5, 10 steps to do this or that. Moreover,…

BlueCallom Progress & Update

Remember our first webinars? We talked about the concept of Deep Innovation Design in January this year. We made the analogy to athletes and how they went through an amazing transformation. In just 50 years amazing superstars! Today we are…

Beginning of a New Journey | BlueCallom

The end of an exceptional project, and the beginning of a new journey, BlueCallom. In 2015 we asked ourselves: "how can we help startups in our accelerator to create a disruptive business model?" The initial response was - impossible. Impossible…

BlueCallom of Society3 – Think Innovatively

How do you think innovatively?  After 4 years of research, we found the answer to one of the most often asked questions: "How did you guys come up with all your innovative ideas?" One in particular, "How do you think innovatively? Tell me,…

Corporate Innovation Dilemma

Corporate Innovation Labs - Counter-Intuitive Ingenuity - The corporate innovation teams are typically composed of brilliant minds, top-notch experts. If they can't solve a problem, nobody can. Is that wrong? Seriously would you expect a sales…