Innovation Market Dynamics

Innovation Market Dynamics Before starting to innovate, it makes sense to understand the general market dynamics for innovative solutions. For decades, enterprises struggled when their innovative solutions did not take off within 12 to 24 months…

Empowering Enterprises Innovation

From the 4th Innovation Thought Leader Roundtable Culture development is an ongoing topic that keeps coming back in every roundtable. A lot of progress has been made yet, CULTURE is something that neither can't be created nor changed overnight. Another…

Game-changing Innovation – Copenhagen Innovation Summit

Show-time in Copenhagen !!!  The Innovation Roundtable ApS company is organizing an Innovation Summit, May 10-12, 2022. And we can't wait to join them. A good time and place to meet with the Innovation Industry. A three-day interactive conference…

Innovation Outlook 2022

BlueCallom is officially a year old now. In the past three years, before we started, we learned so much from neuroscience that it turned our perspective of innovation upside down. In 2021 we hosted several Innovation Thought Leader Roundtable…

Key Thoughts: Innovation Thought Leader Roundtable | November 2021

In November BlueCallom hosted its fourth roundtable where the primary goal was and still is, making innovation a better-understood practice. The whole idea of the Innovation Thought Leader Roundtable is the exchange - dive deeper into the innovation…
When enterprises acquire startups to get to innovation

Team Assembly – Importance of Innovation Dream Team

The last topic of the BlueCallom Podcast, Navigation of Ingenuity, focused on the importance of building an innovation dream team. To find out more about the innovation team assembly, BlueCallom invited Luuk Houtepen, Director of Strategic…

Cognitive abilities to groundbreaking innovation

It takes unique cognitive abilities or so-called soft skills or talents to get you to groundbreaking innovation. Talents or Soft Skills matters - in some cases, even more than hard skills. One of those cases is with Innovation Development.…

Innovation Culture Discussion with Erik Wirsing

Tackling a main corporate “Innovation Blocker” When we talk about innovation culture, the first thing that comes to mind is a work environment where people can develop their ideas. To hear more about this topic, I would like to share amazing…

Innovation is a CEO Mandate

Rethinking innovation from the ground up. Enterprises around the world have been challenged with becoming genuinely innovative, trying to elevate their effort from improvement to innovation. With over 90% of groundbreaking innovation coming…