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Key Thoughts: Innovation Thought Leader Roundtable | June 2021

In the last week of June, BlueCallom hosted its third Innovation Thought Leader Roundtable. The topic gravitates around the question: “how to become more innovative and how to inspire employees to support the innovation process.” As you may know by now, BlueCallom’s Roundtable is a virtual gathering of selected innovation managers. Many of them work […]

Key Thoughts: Innovation Thought Leader Circle | April 2021

Why is it important to define innovation? How do you measure innovation? How do you collect ideas from your customers? These are just a few of the thought-provoking questions that came up in conversation between Innovation Managers from around the world in BlueCallom’s Innovation Thought Leader Circle (ITLC) in April. The ITLC is a virtual […]

Why Pursue Open Innovation?

Open innovation is a frequently-used term that brings a variety of imagery to mind: collaboration, intellectual property, startups, and co-creation. But most importantly, it involves “combining internal and external ideas” to bring new business concepts to life. As an innovation strategy, it serves as a pathway to integrate external perspectives (i.e., from users)  into the […]

Key Thoughts: Innovation Thought Leader Roundtable | February 2021

During the first week of February, the BlueCallom team brought innovation leaders worldwide together at the BlueCallom virtual Innovation Thought Leader Circle event. The Innovation Thought Leader Circle series provides a space where a select group of innovation professionals comes together virtually to share best practices, insights around innovation management, advanced learning in innovation, and […]

4 Strategies to Foster an Innovative Work Environment

What can be done to make your organization more innovative? The COVID-19 pandemic is changing the rules for conducting business. Now more than ever, innovative behavior is one of the essential characteristics that a company needs to develop in order to stay competitive in the changing economic landscape and new trends in consumer behavior. In […]

BlueCallom Announces Neuro Innovation Management Software – Press Release

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   BlueCallom to change innovation landscape with AI, Genetic Computing, and Neuroscience NOVEMBER 25, 2020 (Lucerne, CH) BlueCallom ™ today announces its official launch as a Neuro Innovation Management software company. The organization’s vision is to provide groundbreaking change to innovation effectiveness and innovation economics. According to a UNESCO report, the […]

BlueCallom in the Making – Beyond Brainstorming

  A billion-dollar innovation is not done with a few brainstorming meetings. We started with a big problem (see history below) and have the vision to develop technology for innovation teams to innovate like never before imaginable past brainstorming. Now we are ready to go. Ready to Callomize On Wed, Oct 15, we introduced our […]

Innovator, Innovation Design Master or Paradigm Executive?

How about Innovator or Innovation Design Manager or Innovation Paradigm Executive? Find out what suits you best: The pressure to be more innovative is big. This pressure comes from various sources at the same time. Customers want better, easier, more useful solutions. Investors want to see the company they invested in more agile and more […]